RiffRaff Games Work Under NDA

Platforms | NDA
Engine | Unreal Engine 4
Duration | 3 Years
Team Size | 9 - 13
Roles | Game Designer

During my time at RiffRaff Games (formerly Studio Mayday) I worked as a Game Designer alongside a Design Lead. All of our work remains under NDA and as such no details can be shared. This page will be updated when any information is publicised.


Game Design:
- 3 years experience in UE4. Feature prototyping, level design, greyboxing, block outs.
- One of two designers, focused on systems design.
- Developed and balanced on core gameplay loops, narrative, puzzle design, level design and flow.
- Developed quests and levels to encourage exploration and intuitively guide players.
- Created game design documentation, wireframes, user flows and mockups for both documentation and proof of concept.

Leadership & Collaboration:
- Owned features. Lead teams of artists, coders through iteration and execution.
- Presented ideas and pitches, conducted design reviews and user tests, received and given constructive feedback, and implemented all into designs.