Platform | PC, Mac
Engine | Unity
Duration | 8 Weeks
Team Size | 5
Roles | Designer, Producer
Total Playtime | Variable

LEGS is a 2 to 4 player arena brawler designed to bring friendly competition back to couch multiplayer. In this physics-based fighter, fight with joysticks for legs and compete to equip powerful shoe abilities.

Play now at https://zyjerah.itch.io/legs

||     Nominated for the Media Design Excellence award     ||
||     Invited into RNDR Gallery 2018     ||


Game Design:
- Designed and prototyped the core concept solo in Unity over 2 weeks, later assigned a team for an additional 6 weeks to flesh out the prototype.
- Developed and balanced the core movement mechanic, focusing on the chaotic controlled feeling.
- Designed additional shoe mechanics to support the core experience.
- Brainstormed and designed arena levels to encourage unique gameplay and support themes.
- Created game design documentation, wireframes, user flows and mockups for both documentation and proof of concept.

Leadership & Collaboration:
- Lead a team of 5 through iteration & execution in design, code, and art.
- Presented ideas and pitches to groups, supervisors, and interested parties.
- Conducted design reviews and user tests, received and given constructive feedback, and implemented all into designs and iteration.