Frame of Fancy

Platform | Physical, Photography
Tools | VGG Image Annotator, Mask R-CNN, Neural Style Transfer
Duration | 2 Weeks
Team Size | 1
Roles | Designer, Programmer, Photographer

Frame of Fancy is a creative project in which I designed and trained an Artificial Intelligence to recognise a photo frame in any photograph, and transform the inside into any given style. These photos were taken with empty photo frames, and the AI created the world within them.

|| Frame of Fancy accepted into NeurIPS Workshop Art Gallery 2018, Montréal Canada ||
|| Frame of Fancy nominated for the Media Design Excellence award ||


- Designed creative concept and use case, presented to supervisors and students.
- Developed execution and iteration plan, taking setbacks into account.
- Trained image segmentation model to recognize photo frame in unique settings.
- Tested the visual transfer model on different environments and visual distribution, finding what type of photography would work best with the AI models.
- Created process documentation for both internal and external parties, mockups and findings.

- Investigated available methodologies to carry out design vision.
- Researched creative needs in photography as a medium and what AI tools would compliment and supplement the art form.
- Documented & reported research to supervisor, conducted technical design reviews.

Further process can be found here.