Platform | PC, Mac
Engine | Unity
Duration | 6 Weeks
Team Size | 1
Roles | Designer, Sole Developer, Researcher
Total Playtime | 15 Minutes

ABOUND is a linear single-player story game about a child living with ADHD. Through surreal effects built into both the aesthetics and mechanics, ABOUND educates the player through a personal experience.


Game Design:
- Sole designer and developer, reporting to game design supervisor.
- Brainstormed and designed all systems and gameplay, presenting designs during reports.
- Documented and maintained a game design document, along with a production roadmap for the length of the project.
- Developed quests and dialogue to communicate certain elements of ADHD in a surreal experience.

- Interviewed and worked with medical doctors to research ADHD from the medical side.
- Engaged with study groups and volunteers with ADHD to learn about the lived experience.
- Reported to supervisor with documented research and next steps.